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Rules & Policies

Sport Rules

Intramural Sport
Air Pistol View Air Pistol Rules
Basketball View Basketball Rules
Badminton View Badminton Rules
Broomball View Broomball Rules
Cricket View Cricket Rules
Dodgeball View Dodgeball Rules
Esports View Esport Rules
Flag Football View Flag Football Rules
Ice Hockey View Ice Hockey Rules
Soccer View Soccer Rules
Softball View Softball Rules
Table Tennis View Table Tennis Rules
Team Tennis View Team Tennis Rules
Teqball View Teqball Rules
Ultimate Frisbee View Ultimate Frisbee Rules
Unihoc View Unihoc Rules
Volleyball View Volleyball Rules
Walk to Mordor Challenge View Walk Into Mordor Rules
Water Polo View Water Polo Rules

IM Handbook

Unsporting Behavior

Proper sportsmanship is expected of all teams at all times. Attire and/or behavior that is, implies, or contains; inappropriate, offensive, or vulgar themes, language, actions, themes, images, or symbols, will not be permitted within DAPER facilities. Individuals found with inappropriate attire can be denied participation in DAPER sponsored programs and events. Staff decisions regarding attire policy enforcement are final. Refer to MIT’s Mind and Hand Book’s section on HarassmentFreedom of Expression, and Institute Expectations of Student Behavior and Integrity for further elaboration of standards and expectations.

The IM Office wants to know if you encounter particularly good or bad sportsmanship.

Report Sportsmanship

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